Monday, January 14, 2013

Business Planning .. part 1

I own a handcrafted jewelry business.  I’ve been in business for over 6 years.  I have no formal business training, so much of what I’ve learned has either been through experience (mostly trial and error) or gathering information from those who have gone before me.  The majority of my sales come from craft shows.  Because I live in the north central part of the US, there aren’t many shows this time of year ... so it’s a “down time” for me.  I don’t mind taking a break from the show season ... it’s a great time to assess and evaluate.  What am I doing right?  What needs improvement?  What direction should I consider taking my business in this new year?

My husband is the primary bread winner at our house and he’s a huge help to me at shows!  I’m kinda shy, especially with new people.  He, on the other hand, doesn’t know a stranger ...only a friend he hasn’t met.  I tell you all this because he is an integral part of my business ...and any business plans I make must factor in his responsibilities and schedule.  I think because that’s been the case, I’ve allowed myself to get lazy, focusing more on the restrictions of what I couldn’t do than trying to expand the opportunities I could. 

My husband’s boss owns 2 small businesses, my hubby being the Sales Manager at the second (newer) since last spring.  His boss is brilliant about some aspects of what he does ... but occasionally makes some very poor decisions in other areas.  As something of a bystander, I watch what happens and yell “no, no, no!!” when I see some of the choices that are made.  But right now, I also have to stop and say to myself “Self obviously KNOW what needs to be done in his business ...but what are you doing about it in yours?” 

SO I’m working on it.  I'm setting some goals ... doing some research ... making some plans ... prioritizing some tasks ... formulating a strategy.  It's still a work in progress ... so I’ll tell you more about it in a couple weeks .. See you then!